Friday, October 8, 2010


Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.  - Julie Andrews

What an amazing quote from a beautiful woman.  I don't know the context of what she was referring to, but it doesn't matter, really.  As someone who has struggled with my weight since I was in high school, I have fluctuated up and down many times over the past 12 years.  I'm now at a weight that I haven't seen since I was pregnant with my last child - 217.5 lbs.  Yikes.

Most people who know me know the success I had with Weight Watchers a couple of years ago.  Then, about a year ago, my world fell apart, and I've been gradually climbing a slippery slope to finding myself again.  I have gone from 179 to 217.5 in a matter of a year, and it's time for it to end.  

I have been experiencing a full gamut of health problems, and when I talk to my physician about my concerns regarding my obesity, she encourages me to get some other things under control first.  I do appreciate that she is concerned about dealing with these other things (fibromyalgia, kidney stones, etc), but to me, my mental health and the big picture of my physical health is dependent on me losing some of this weight.  It is physically a burden, but the emotional toll this weight gain has taken is far worse.

As fate would have it, I reached the end of the proverbial rope, and had discussed with my husband whether it would benefit our family for me to follow WW again.  Just as I was preparing to get going again, my beautiful friend Nicole mentioned that she was about to start living the point-counting way of life.  What a beautiful, beautiful thing!  Having support - and support right here with someone kicking my butt to do this the right way - is going to be instrumental to my success.

Yesterday morning I started counting points.  I'm allowed 27 points a day.  I have points trackers, calculators, etc.  Because of my kidney stone, I have put my gym membership on a sort of sick leave status.  I will be belly dancing again, hopefully with my girlfriends, but if not, at home.  I forgot how good utilizing muscle control feels!  I also want to take advantage of the beautiful autumn in New England and start walking at least a few times a week.  I also have a Wii Fit that I haven't used recently, and I'll be using that for some low-impact cardio and core strengthening balance exercises.  My ultimate goal?  To be able to weigh in on my balance board and not hear the Wii say, "that's obese!"  Nothing like hearing you're fat from a video game.  

I will persevere.  I will do this.  I know it can work, it does work, and it requires work.  Thank you for your willingness to endure another blogging expedition on the ultimate journey of finding myself and being the best me I can be.

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