Thursday, January 12, 2012

My New Obession

I have a new obsession in the world of food and condiments; Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce! I cannot get enough of this stuff. I am putting it on my egg whites at breakfast, my salad at lunch, and whatever I am having for dinner! If you haven't heard of this happy sauce before it is said, "sir-ra-cha," aka rooster sauce. It is spicy, warm, and smooth.

You don't need very much of it, so be careful if you go to use it for the first time! I tend to add a large amount. The spicier my food is, the longer it takes me to eat. This leads me to drink more water while helping me get that satisfied full feeling.

When I was about to start blogging, I was tinkering around pinterest when I found a pin that I couldn't believe! 25 Ways to Use Siracha. Too funny, considering I was just about to blog about my new love I have found in said

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