Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thermometer Tracker

Many moons ago when I first learned about Weight Watchers, I found a place called DWLZ (Dotti's Weight Loss Zone). This site is awesome for motivation, encouragement, information on ww, message boards, etc! It was started by Dotti and her husband, Al, who have been Weight Watchers and emotional support for tons of people via their site.

Last night I found myself on their web site specifically looking for a tracking tool that I remembered. The Thermometer!

I printed it out on card stock and in color (this is rare people). Dotti explains that there are 2 ways to go about tracking your weight loss with this tool. I decided to go with the "one pound per space" method. *Note: I will need to do 2 thermometers by the time I reach what I think is my goal.* I have a lot to lose and I am going to need to see that visual progress moving along. Just keeping it real...instant gratification needed!

This is how my tracker turned out. I am anticipating my next weigh in now just so I can color in some more blocks!

I also gave the front of my refrigerator a make over. I had great pictures of my nieces, nephew, step son, mother, Ron...basically family...covering the front. It wasn't cluttered, but it felt like a lot. I gave my Thermometer Tracker a home there. I cleared it all off and have just a picture of Ron and I and the Tracker. It felt so good to clear it off and have my focus front and center in the kitchen.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I love this tracker and I'm really tempted to print one out for myself.